Stop Giving Yourself To People Who Don’t Deserve You. Be With Someone Who Chooses You Every Day - Relationship Goals

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Stop Giving Yourself To People Who Don’t Deserve You. Be With Someone Who Chooses You Every Day

It’s strange. We say that we want to experience love in all its splendor, yet we settle for the first person that comes into our life. We say that we want to find the person of our dreams, yet we give our soul to just about anyone.

I know a lot of people who actually decided to just settle for the person they are with because that seemed like a mature, rational idea to them. One of them happened to be my close friend.

And guess what? After a few years of lying to herself that she actually loves her partner, they split. It seems as though once the butterflies went away, and the honeymoon haze faded away, she realized that their relationship was not based on pure, ever-lasting, all-consuming love. It was based on lies. Lies she was telling herself.

So, here’s what.

I will be honest with you.

You are hurting yourself. No, no. You are punishing yourself. You may not realize that now, but one day you will. But then it will be already too late.

That is why I am writing this. To prevent that from happening. To save you from regrets and misery. To make you realize that there is a different life for you out there, only if you dare to leave your comfort zone and explore everything that life has to offer you.

I need you to stop hurting yourself. I need you to stop giving your love to just about anyone. Life is too short to be giving your energy on things and people that don’t matter.

Instead, wait for the one that will love you just the way you deserve.

Be with a man who will choose you each and every day all over again. Someone who will open his heart and give you everything he has.

Be with a man who will never get bored of exploring the map of your body and soul. Someone who will love to dive deep inside every part of you.

Be with a man who will never make you question their love for you. Someone who won’t be afraid to give you the key to his heart.

Be with a man who will get excited by the thought of seeing you. Someone whose eyes will glisten and whose smile will spark the minute that he sees you.

Be with a man who will enjoy planning his future with you. Someone who will be thrilled to spend his entire life beside you.

Many things in life are mediocre, but love should never be one of them.

So, stop giving yourself away to people who don’t deserve you and be with someone who never stops choosing you!

The post Stop Giving Yourself To People Who Don’t Deserve You. Be With Someone Who Chooses You Every Day appeared first on Curious Mind Magazine.

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