It’s far easier to dwell on negativity than it is to focus on positive vibes. So how do you change this and incorporate more in your life?

We’ve all experienced something so devastating that it’s practically impossible to dwell on anything else. You’ve probably experienced something like this recently, and you know that you feel anything but positive vibes.
Sure, you have your good days, but if you’ve been feeling down for a while, there are probably more days spent watching dark shows on Netflix alone.
It’s time to change that, and welcome the positive vibes back into your life. You want to get out of that rut you’re in. However, once you’ve been down in the dumps, it can sometimes be hard to pull yourself out of it. It takes a lot of resilience and mental strength to get yourself out of a dark place.
No matter how hard you try, it’s easier said than done to draw positive vibes into your life. While it’s easy to feel negative, infusing positivity into your life takes a lot more effort and dedication.
BUT you can achieve this by focusing on yourself again and pouring all your time and energy into yourself!
[Read: How to think positive and reprogram your mind to stay positive]
How do you feel positive even in a negative scenario?
It takes a lot of strength to do this, but that doesn’t make it impossible to achieve. Even if you’re enveloped with negative emotions and drowning in negativity, that doesn’t have to be where you have to stay. You have to remind yourself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, even if you find it difficult to see it now.
By reframing your mind with this mindset, you won’t dwell so much on the negative things your mind is drawn to. Instead of staying in this cycle of dwelling on your self-sabotaging thoughts and doing something impulsive you’ll likely regret, you need to switch the vibe into more positive vibes.
Okay, maybe it’s harder for specific scenarios than others, but no pain is forever. You might not see it now, but the pain will pass. When you learn to welcome positivity even in a negative scenario, that alone takes a lot of courage and willpower – but your future self will thank you for it. [Read: How to hone and increase your positive emotions in a negative world]
How to get those positive vibes
Sometimes, therapy and counseling is the safest way to love yourself and welcome positive vibes into your life, especially if you’ve had to deal with a life-altering circumstance that needs personal attention and lots of guidance.
But if you’re looking for a few quick steps to get started along the right path, give these suggestions a real thought and start working towards welcoming positive vibes into your world!
1. Accept that you’re not where you want to be
Firstly, accept the fact that where you are in your life is not where you want to be. We all complain that we should be doing this or that, but honestly, how many of us actually make a change? Exactly. You’re not happy, so accept it. And then, you can change it.
If you’re serious about embracing positive vibes into your life, accept that you’re not satisfied with where you are right not. Admitting this to yourself is the first step to improving your life as a whole.
Once you stop being in denial and stop pretending everything’s perfect, that’s only when your life can change. [Read: Achieving self-acceptance – 10 little steps for one big change]
2. Know what you want and need
This is really hard to do because most of us don’t know what we want or need. But how about you start with the things you don’t want. By doing that, you may find it easier to see the things you appreciate and value.
But once you know the things you don’t want in your life, don’t dwell on them. Instead, use it to find what you want and need, and focus your energy on achieving it.
It’s essential to understand what you want if you’re going to incorporate more positivity in your life. Otherwise, it’s easy to just go with the flow with whatever in life without a specific goal in mind – and that’s no way to live. [Read: How to discover your passion – 17 steps to find it in your everyday life]
3. Switch your focus
If you want to attract positive energy, you’re going to have to change how you look at things. Now, we’re not saying you’re a Debbie Downer, but you probably don’t see the glass half full most of the time. It’s time to change that. This is one of the most crucial things on this list.
If you don’t change and reframe your mindset, perspective, and focus, you’ll keep looking at everything with negativity and doubt. If you want to welcome more positive vibes in your life, switch your focus.
You’re going to experience shitty situations, that’s a part of life, but are you going to take it as a negative experience or as a learning lesson? The choice is yours. [Read: How to success in life – All you ever need to know]
4. Get spiritual
Now, you don’t have to start believing in God or become a Buddhist; that’s not what this is about. However, you should understand that everything is made of energy.
So, acknowledge that we are not the highest form of energy. You can view this spiritually or religiously.
When you get spiritual, it can help you see the bigger picture of things. Why do you think the people who believe in aspects like the law of attraction or even God tend to be more positive? [Read: 21 mantras to live by that will transform your life for the better]
5. Be honest with yourself
This one is a struggle! Being honest with yourself means coming forward and acknowledging who you really are as a person. It’s not easy. You may think you’re an amazing person, but when you take the time to ask yourself the tough questions, you may realize that you’ve been a complete asshole in many situations or that you’re not as good of a friend as you think.
However, by really looking within, you’ll be able to make changes that make you a better person and attract positive vibes. You need to accept your life needs to change, and you can’t do that without being honest with yourself first. [Read: 30 honest life truths you must know before you hit 30]
6. Start breathing!
We’re so busy running around and getting distracted that we forget to breathe. Okay, we do breathe, or else we’d all be dead, but we really need to sit down and really breathe. Take deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose, focusing on your body.
It’s all about relaxing the mind and body to allow positivity to cultivate within. We know this sounds like hippie stuff, but it works. This is the entire reason why breathing techniques like meditation work wonders for embracing positive vibes! So just breathe.
7. Laugh
Laughing is so important for cultivating positive vibes. It’s the moment where you feel true joy. If something’s funny, laugh. Who knows, maybe you’ll make an entire group of people join in because laughing is contagious.
So, spread the love by giving out a laugh. Laughing also releases endorphins and dopamine, both of which make you feel good. So laugh – at yourself, your friends, the people around you, everything! [Read: How to be nice – 20 easy tips to make everyone love being around you]
8. Recycle positivity back to your community
If you want to receive positive energy, you need to give out positive energy. So, compliment someone you see or help an old lady cross the street. If you recycle positive energy back out to the world around you, not only will you feel good, but you make other people feel the power of positivity as well.
In order to receive an abundance of positive vibes in your life, you need to give it out as well. This is why acts like volunteering or donating bring so much positivity within you. [Read: 11 simple ways to inspire and connect with people around you]
9. Let go
You need to let go of control. We know it’s really hard, and it’s going to take you some time to be able to. However, you have to do it. Let go if you want to attract positive energy. You have no control over anything except your reactions. This is just something you need to accept.
If you don’t let it go, the more frustrated you’ll be in your life. You can’t control everything, and that’s just part of life. Instead of being frustrated every time things don’t go your way, just let it go and go with the flow of life.
10. Visualize a positive life
Every day we’re burdened with negative thoughts. You won’t get that job promotion, you’re not smart enough, not thin enough—they’re constant. But to break this cycle, spend more time visualizing yourself having a positive life.
Stop these thoughts by visualizing the kind of life that makes you happy. You’ll always be stuck in a negative rut if you keep dwelling on the negative life you have, so why not visualize a positive life instead? [Read: 25 memorable life lessons to perfect your life]
11. Be aware of the ego
Ah yes, ego. This is a very dangerous thing that incorporates a lot of negativity into your life. The ego is a harmful thing and holds a lot of power over you when you let it.
To be aware of your ego, you need to be fully conscious of what you’re doing.
How you feel, your actions, and your thoughts. It’s going to be a challenge, and it’ll be tiring. However, it’ll help you relax and feel the positive vibes. Everyone has an ego, but that doesn’t mean you should let it rule you and control your emotions and life. [Read: How to see the difference between self-respect and ego, and improve the relationships in your life]
12. Get out in nature
Nature has an amazing power to relax the human mind. If you really want to be positive, you’re going to have to relax. Sure, you can go to a fancy spa or the gym, but you can also just take a walk through the woods or sit by a lake.
Being with nature is a form of meditation. So don’t hesitate to spend time around nature! Take a walk, have a bit of an adventure, and enjoy the fresh air. Trust us, you’ll feel the positive vibes fill in just as soon as you start to relax amidst the vastness and beauty of nature.
13. Learn gratefulness
Gratefulness is one of the most important things you can practice. Though there may be struggles in your life, acknowledge the positive in your life as well. Maybe you have children, an amazing partner, or good health. These are things you should be grateful for.
Gratitude is such an important emotion that can counter all the negativity in your life. When you focus your mind on everything you have rather than what you lack, your life will positively turn around for the better. [Read: How to be grateful – 20 authentic ways to appreciate and express it]
14. Let emotions flow through you
Sometimes, we tend to bundle up all our emotions, and then one day when you’re on the bus and somebody accidentally elbows you, you snap. This is why repressed emotions are highly dangerous, and bottling up your feelings is the last thing you should be doing.
Allow yourself to feel the emotions you’re feeling. You’re feeling them for a reason. If you need to cry, cry. If you want to laugh, laugh.
It’s true, sometimes you won’t be able to release your emotions. But take some time at the end of each day to reflect on them. [Read: Emotionally stable – How to find your zone of perfect calmness]
15. Use your creative side
You won’t believe the positivity that can be created just by making something with your own hands. It’s a cathartic achievement that allows you to unlock emotions, putting them into something positive.
Join a painting class or try songwriting. Whatever it is, it acts as a way for you to relieve yourself and connect emotionally. If you’re passionate about something creative, this can significantly help you deal with negativity and doubt.
16. Clean up
Clean your house, go through all the paperwork that’s lying around, clean your bathroom, declutter your closet, and get a haircut. Clean it all up. When you do this, you automatically feel lighter, and now you have a space that’s bright and spacious.
If you’re living in a mess, your mind’s in a mess. How can you let positive energy in? Decluttering is the best thing you can do for the clarity of your life. You need to organize your space to organize your mind *and your life*. [Read: How to get your life together – 30 ways to live your best life]
17. Put a spin on negative situations
Obviously, there have been situations where you think your life is coming to an end and that you’ve really screwed up. We’re only human. But, you need to start looking at these apparent negative situations as a lesson to be learned. Because that’s what these are, teaching lessons.
You can always get something out of negative situations if you just put a spin on it. Use it as a learning experience, and you’ll learn to embrace positive vibes in your life.
[Read: How to improve yourself – 16 powerful secrets of self improvement]
So, how to welcome positive energy?
It’s easy to dwell in negativity. But if you’re serious about living a more positive life, these tips can significantly help. Sometimes, it’s all a matter of reframing your perspective, mindset, and focus. When you focus on the right things, it’ll be easier to see the glass as half full.
You probably thought that attracting positive vibes was going to be a breeze. But it definitely takes practice and energy. Don’t worry; once you get in the habit of living positively, it’ll get much easier.
The post Positive Vibes: 17 Ways to Welcome Positive Energy Into Your Life is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships