How to Elope with Your Lover & Have Your Perfect Fairy Tale Wedding - Relationship Goals

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How to Elope with Your Lover & Have Your Perfect Fairy Tale Wedding

Are you dreaming of a wedding that’s quiet, chilled out, and totally in your control? Learn how to elope and have the big day you’ve always wanted. 

how to elope

For a long time, eloping with a loved one to get married has always been an awkward experience. Some may call eloping lazy, and others may think it’s being thrifty. But how many can call elopement a dream wedding? Well, that’s probably because they haven’t looked at the big happy picture yet. If you’re keen to learn how to elope, you’ve come to the right place.

The truth is that weddings are stressful. You’re not only trying to plan a day that you’re going to remember for the rest of your life, but you’re people-pleasing.

Whether you want to or not, you’ll no doubt find yourself doing it at some point. You don’t want anyone to say that any part of your wedding wasn’t “right” or didn’t fit their idea of what it “should be.”

But, in the end, a wedding is just a day. Sure, it’s a great day, but it’s just one day. After that, the whole point of a wedding begins a marriage. So for some, elopement is an easier, less stressful answer. Is it for everyone? Probably not, but what is?

[Read: 20 questions to ask each other before getting married]

What does it mean to elope?

If you’re not really sure what we’re talking about here, you’re probably lost on the whole how to elope subject. Basically, elopement means that you and your husband-to-be or wife-to-be suddenly decide to run away and get married in secret. You don’t usually tell anyone about it. You just go and do it.

Now, you can see straight away why that would be controversial. What about the families? Also, what about the whole big party? What about the cake? Well, that’s why some people decide to elope, because they really can’t handle all the stress and jumping-through-hoops that go along with wedding planning and the big day itself.

It’s a personal choice. You can’t say whether it’s right or wrong because it’s personal to every single couple.

But, if you think that it sounds like a good idea, then maybe it’s the best route for you? [Read: Marital traditions – Their no-so-sweet origins & our modern choices]

The big, fancy wedding dream

Ever since we’ve been little girls, most of us have fantasized about the magical wedding we’d have someday.

But where the fairytale ends, life begins.

Wedding is a big business these days, and most young couples end up spending a fortune *sometimes, more than a year’s income* on getting married. Then, they spend a big part of their married life paying their wedding debt off! [Read: Is there a best age to get married? Statistics vs Real life]

A well-planned wedding seems magical, but that’s because you’ve seen only the facade of it. It’s like watching an Olympic ceremony for an hour or so while flipping channels. The event may last a few hours, but the preparation for it took several painstaking months or even years. Then, you’re paying for it for a very long time afterward and probably thinking “what did we do all that for?”

When you’re actively participating in the preparation of your wedding, you’re bound to be stressed all the time. That’s even if you hire a professional wedding planner. Is it really worth it? For sure, some people enjoy planning, but a lot don’t. [Read: 16 questions to make talking about marriage really easy]

Why elope to get married?

Couples typically elope when they want to get married in a rush. This is usually either because they don’t have the financial resources or because they have warring families who aren’t appreciative of the groom-to-be or the bride-to-be.

But that’s not always the case. Sometimes, couples elope and get married because they can make the wedding feel more personal, romantic, and most importantly, memorable. And if you’re bothered about missing out on the dream wedding you never had, don’t be. Eloping too can be just as fun and special. [Read: How to meet the parents for the first time and impress them immediately]

In your lifetime, you’ve probably been to several weddings yourself. Now, how many of those weddings do you actually remember vividly?

When you attend a wedding, it’s just a few hours of fun and flirting for you. But to the new bride and groom, it’s many years of their fortune that they’ve spent just on those few hours.

If you aren’t financially ready for it, do you really want to start your new married life in debt? [Read: How to make living together work for you and your relationship]

What about the families?

A significant part of the wedding experience is about sharing the special day with your loved ones. Do you have a huge family that is close-knit? If you do, perhaps they would be offended to see that you ran away and got married without letting them know anything about it.

But if you just have a few trusted friends and your immediate family to think of, they may be more accepting of your decision.

Only you can tell which side of the line you fall on here. But at the end of the day, it’s your day. Your family loves you and will understand. Maybe they won’t understand straightaway, but they will eventually. Besides, you could arrange a big family meal afterward. That way, you’re still celebrating, but it’s far less stressful. [Read: 6 practical ways to put up with difficult in-laws]

Remember, grand weddings are expensive affairs.

Let’s face it, there’s not much you can do to avoid the expenses. If you’ve taken the time to plan ahead and save money for your wedding, then go right ahead and have your perfect dream wedding with all your friends and family the grand way.

But if you want something more personal and intimate, eloping may just be the perfect way to enjoy your dream day without being burdened down with avalanching expenses. [Read: How to get your boyfriend to propose by reading his mind]

What do most couples that elope actually do?

Getting a marriage license is easier in Nevada than in most other places around the United States. And for that reason, Las Vegas is the biggest destination for eloping couples that want to get married. It’s easy, stress-free and quick.

But if you take a while to plan your elopement in advance, you can get married anywhere you like as long as you’ve got a few months to finish all the license formalities and book the perfect place ahead of time. [Read: What is a promise ring and is it really worth giving?]

Are you ready to elope with your lover?

If you’re one that believes in fairy tales and beautiful settings, then you know that a perfect wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Would you really want to destroy the memory by finishing the whole affair in a few hours? Or would you want to spend weeks leading up to it playing the part of an infamous bridezilla?

A wedding is special, but the experience feels special only when you feel good about it. What do you want in your perfect wedding? [Read: 13 secrets of a happy marriage that can make or break your romance]

As long as you have your closest friends and family around you when you exchange your vows, wouldn’t it feel just as special as sharing your wedding day with hundreds of acquaintances? You don’t have to worry about the seating arrangement or who doesn’t get along with whom, nor do you have to worry about any last-minute changes.

Your wedding day is a special day for you and your partner. It has to feel stress-free and perfect.

Ask anyone who’s married at least once in a grand wedding that took months of preparation. The chances are, they may prefer to elope if they could do the whole thing a second time around. [Read: One year itch – 25 tips to avoid marriage problems early on]

How to elope with your partner and still have the perfect wedding

Wondering how to elope and still experience your dream wedding? Well, here’s your guide on doing just that.

1. Don’t just run away

If you want to elope for any reason, be it because you don’t have too many close friends or because you want to avoid a huge debt, don’t just run away without telling anyone.

Instead, plan your wedding in advance and share your thoughts only with your closest friends and your immediate family. [Read: 16 most important maid of honor duties to remember for the big day]

2. Combine your wedding with a short break

Take a few days off from work, head to a romantic cabin by the lake or a friend’s place, or rent a farmhouse that accommodates all of you, or even head out to a resort nearby.

If you can afford it, you could pay for the whole vacation yourselves, or you could ask your friends to pay their own expenses during their stay. Plan a series of fun activities that would help all of you have a great time together.

After all, you’re spending the vacation with your closest friends, and you and your partner would have no difficulty bonding with all of them.

3. Schedule your wedding before the end of a break

Plan your wedding a day or two before the vacation ends, so all of you have settled into the vacation already. As long as all of you are having fun, it’ll definitely be a wedding that you’ll never forget because you’ve got all the people that matter to you around you.

And the best part, as long as all of you participate in the setting up of the wedding, it’ll feel stress-free and fun, instead of hectic and rushed.

Instead of just spending a few rushed hours in a crowded wedding where you’re too busy to interact with all your friends and too exhausted to enjoy the fun moments, you can actually stretch your wedding celebration to a few days, with the people whose company you enjoy the most in the world. Wouldn’t that be so much better? [Read: 27 subtle signs he wants to marry you and spend his life with you]

4. Remember to check marriage licenses before

You can do a little groundwork before you go away, by checking marriage licensing rules, etc. Do some research, send a few emails, and figure out the paperwork beforehand.

Then, you’re not stressing while you’re away and you can actually enjoy the downtime with your nearest and dearest. [Read: 25 obvious signs you’re high on wedding fever]

5. Book any local vendors you need

If you want catering for a small party after the ceremony or you want someone to come and do your make-up, check vendors ahead of time and book them. That way, you’re still getting a taste of wedding fever, without the major stress attached to it.

5. Take plenty of photographs

Make sure that you take plenty of photographs of the wedding so that when you return, you can show them to those who weren’t there

*hire a professional if you can afford it*. You’re sure to offend someone, but it doesn’t matter. As long as you can show them some romantic pictures, they’ll probably get over it pretty quickly! [Read: 20 game-changing ideas for your pre-nuptial photoshoot]

6. Announce your marriage once you return

Don’t do it while you’re away. If you do, you’ll simply end up answering the phone a million times or checking messages. You’re supposed to be enjoying this time! So keep your elopement a secret until you get back.

Then, send out an announcement. Social media is usually the easiest way to do this, but make sure you tell any family that didn’t make it in person before posting. [Read: The most romantic and special way to propose marriage to the one you love]

Eloping really could be a better alternative

A wedding for a few hours is nice, but a whole week of wedding fun with your closest friends and family, that’s so much more exciting and fun, isn’t it?

Everyone assumes that eloping is such a bad thing, but if you look at it, it’s a better alternative. Even celebrities get away on a vacation to get married. And the best part, you’re already on a vacation. And with all the money you’ve saved, you and your partner could head out to another romantic vacation spot to enjoy your new life as a married couple! [Read: 20 reasons to get married and live happily ever after]

If you don’t want to head out on vacation to get married, you could even plan an at-home wedding. That’s just like eloping anyway because you aren’t letting the whole world know your plans. Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan had a low-key simple wedding with their closest friends, and think about it, he has billions to spend if he really wanted to!

Sometimes, eloping to a vacation spot and sharing that special day with a select few could make the day feel a lot more special, beautiful, and memorable. Just as long as you remember to invite the people that truly matter to you.

[Read: 27 subtle signs your partner wants to marry you and spend their life with you]

Your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day in your life. So don’t make it feel like the most stressful day. Unless you’ve fixed your mind on a grand wedding, use these tips on how to elope and plan something a lot more special and memorable instead!

The post How to Elope with Your Lover & Have Your Perfect Fairy Tale Wedding is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships

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