Psycho Girlfriend: 16 Creepy Clues That Confirm Her Insanity - Relationship Goals

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Psycho Girlfriend: 16 Creepy Clues That Confirm Her Insanity


Having a psycho girlfriend is every guy’s nightmare, but how do you really identify the signs? Keep reading to know more before you get yourself stuck!


Have you ever experienced having a psycho girlfriend? If you haven’t, then you’re one of the lucky ones! From the word itself, they can literally drive you to the edge of your sanity!

It’s so important to beware of the telltale signs of a psycho girlfriend, especially if you’ve never encountered one before. You never know, this could be your next relationship and you’d save yourself a lot of mess by reading this!

Psycho, at least in this feature, just means the general expression of being creepier than most girlfriends. It means that a “psycho girlfriend” is someone who is extremely clingy, needy, and probably a bit unstable.

In short, she’ll make your life hell. She’s generally way more attached, clingy, and basically crazy! *and not in an adorable way!*

[Read: The 15 types of bad girlfriends who’ll make your life hell]

Why do psycho girlfriends exist?

A psycho girlfriend isn’t generally psycho because she wants to make your life a living hell. Rather, sometimes she can’t help it – it’s in her nature. Maybe she just gets attached too fast or maybe she wants to have a hold on you forever.

When it comes to psycho girlfriends, maybe they just love you too much to not let you see their crazy *and absolutely creepy* side. In all honesty, it’s inevitable to encounter a psycho girlfriend in your dating life.

You might date someone who wants to see you all the time or you might date someone who basically knows every detail of your life even if you didn’t tell them yet *creepy stalker alert!* Even if this is normal, it’s not exactly easy to deal with. [Read: How to help a possessive girlfriend go from cingy to amazing]

Psycho girlfriend: The 16 giveaways of a crazy girlfriend

Like in movies, victims of psychopaths usually don’t see it coming. But just like in movies, it really is obvious when you come to think about it. Here’s everything you need to know to recognize the signs of a crazy girlfriend.

1. She stares and stalks you when you sleep

You’ve probably woken to her staring at you adorably while you were sleeping. Sure, it’s cute and sweet, but if she does it every time you sleep, then be warned, my man! This is a surefire sign that she’s not just obsessed with you, but a psycho girlfriend.

Yes, it’s completely okay to adore our significant others, but when it comes off as creepy, that’s no longer okay! Those girls are usually the type to not only watch you sleep, but they actually might be keeping a close eye on you wherever you go.

Whatever form of stalking, they’re probably an expert at it. They’re watching your every move so you better watch out. Think: social media, hidden tracking devices, and a host of ingenious spy gadgets that will put James Bond to shame. [Read: The things girlfriends do that make them seem like a stalker]

2. She reads your texts

With a psycho girlfriend, there’s no such thing as respecting your privacy and boundaries. She wants to know everything there is to know about your life, including your private messages. Whether it’s your email, social media accounts, and text messages, she reads everything.

When you try to talk of boundaries, she either manipulates you by crying, storming out, being all hurt, or doing the silent treatment on you. Honestly, dealing with a psycho girlfriend is just so insane but it happens! [Read: How to set boundaries in dating – The 15 rules you must follow ASAP]

3. She knows all your passwords

Obviously, the only way she’d be able to read all your messages is if she knows all your passwords herself. This is one of the big red flags that you have a psycho girlfriend. Not only does she not trust you, but she wants to know everything in your private life.

There is nothing about this that’s healthy. If I were you, I’d stay far away from where she can’t see, hear, or touch you! Why would anyone in their right mind need the password to your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? [Read: How to deal with jealousy in a relationship]

4. She hangs out with you and your buddies every single time

Again, a psycho girlfriend doesn’t understand the importance of respecting boundaries. In other words, she’s incapable of this and wants to be with you every chance she gets. She might seem like one of the boys at first – which is very cool and chill of her.

However, you’ll find her true colors start to reveal when you tell her you’re going to have a boys night without her. She’ll then go into suspicious mode. The suspicious girlfriend mode is when she asks you if there are other girls with you and if you say no, she probably won’t believe you.

Afterward, she’ll gaslight you into thinking it’s your fault rather than hers. She’ll cry, make you feel bad, and eventually, you would have to bring her along just so she feels safe.

5. She is very subtly manipulative

A psycho girlfriend knows the tricks because she uses them all the time. She can manipulate you into any situation she wants. This is one of the most frustrating things about dealing with her.

Even if you want to break up or leave her, she’ll manipulate you the best way she can. The worst part? It’s a manipulation that’s going to work. [Read: 16 tactics of psychological manipulation expert manipulators always use]

6. She calls in to “check on you” in the middle of the night

Your girlfriend has mastered the art of being psycho in the most subtle manners that you don’t even notice when it’s so obvious.

Your girlfriend could pretend that she’s just calling or facetiming you because she misses you, but she’s just checking if you’re not talking to other women. Sounds absurd, right? That’s because she is! [Read: 20 glaring signs of a control freak]

7. She texts you using different numbers to bait you

If your girlfriend has completely lost it, she’ll likely text you using different numbers, pretending to be a different girl, and see how you’ll react to each one. It’s insane how she’ll go through such great lengths to test your loyalty and love, but she’ll definitely do this.

This is just proof of her psychotic and unstable nature. The thing is, she might pass this off as a joke, and you might end up believing her! [Read: 10 reasons she has trust issues and 10 ways to fix them]

8. She’s on a first-name basis with your parents – and she texts them regularly

It might be a dream come true to have your girlfriend become close to your parents. However, it’s also a concrete sign of a psycho girlfriend, especially when you’ve only been dating for weeks! Nobody in their right mind would do this, so it’s pretty obvious that she’s not thinking clearly.

9. You always catch her looking at you from behind your back when you think you’re alone

We know you think this scenario only happens in the movies, but it’s more common than you think! There’s a difference between her adoring you from afar and just plain glaring at you, seeing what you’re up to.

How long has she been standing there, staring at you while you were on the computer? How long has she been eyeing you from behind while you were talking on the phone? If you don’t find this even the slightest creepy, something’s wrong with you.

10. She’s Facebook friends with almost half your college class – and she’s never met any one of them

Don’t you think it’s a little borderline crazy when she’s friends with half of your college friends without even meeting them? Even if we live in the digital era, this is still unusual behavior!

Why does she need to be sending memes with your college crush? Why does she feel the need to add every person you have on your friends list? Psycho alert! [Read: 15 signs your girlfriend is past crazy and clearly insane]

11. She posts statuses pretending to be you on your social media accounts without your knowledge

If you don’t see this as a concrete sign of a psycho girlfriend, you need to open your eyes to reality. She knows your passwords, which means she can easily pretend to be you and post statuses.

Are you okay with her changing your profile picture to her own face? Are you really entirely okay with her actually posting a sweet poem to herself from your own profile and pretending it was you who wrote it? Are you 100% fine with her using your account to like her own posts?

No matter how adorable she’s making it seem, there’s no excuse in the book that makes you think this is okay! [Read: 15 types of bad girlfriends who will make your life hell]

12. She’s completely delusional

We all mistake one thing for another from time to time, but a psycho girlfriend makes a habit out of this. Maybe you’re just waving to a friend or smiling at a meme while texting, but she makes it out to be something else entirely.

She doesn’t believe you even if you persist that it’s not what she thinks. It’s either she has a thing for drama or she’s really more psychotic than she’s letting on.

13. She’s extremely jealous to a fault

Jealousy and envy are both normal emotions in a relationship, but when she constantly gets jealous of practically everyone, this isn’t normal behavior. When her jealousy is making the relationship toxic and intolerable, then something’s definitely off.

Maybe she doesn’t want you talking to any girl at all or she gets jealous of any friends you have. Do you honestly think this is normal behavior? It doesn’t matter how pretty she is, the bottom line is that she’s psycho! [Read: How to deal with jealousy in a relationship & learn to overcome it]

14. She has a story

There’s always a story behind every psycho girlfriend. After all, nobody grows up being psycho as if it’s part of their nature. Observe carefully her past, her family, her childhood – everything. Most often, the way she thinks and behaves all comes from the way she was brought up.

It might not make sense to you, but she might have a terrible past that caused this obsessive behavior. Of course, it’s still not an excuse for her actions, but it helps you understand things from her point of view. [Read: What are daddy issues? 19 ways to identify them in your girlfriend]

15. She never made you feel safe

A psycho girlfriend does a really good job at making you feel anxious and paranoid of basically everything. She constantly accuses you and causes drama in the relationship that safety is no longer an option. In fact, you can’t even remember the last time you felt safe and secure in a relationship with her.

You always expect things to go for the worst – that’s how crazy she actually is. Whether it’s manipulation, accusing you of something you never did, unwarranted jealousy – bring it on. [Read: How to feel secure in a relationship when you feel insecure inside]

16. She makes it impossible for you to leave

The last and final straw of dealing with someone psycho is when they make it almost impossible to leave. You have to basically force the facts in her face just to stop her from existing in your life. She’s so obsessive and manipulative that she thinks she can get away with having you forever.

This is why she’ll gaslight you whenever you get upset just to get the upper hand in every situation. In order to leave her, you really need to cut her off completely in your life and make sure she gets what you’re saying – that things are over and you’re breaking up with her. [Read: How to break up with a narcissistic girlfriend and fly out of her cage]

So, how do you deal with a psycho girlfriend?

Don’t ever go around thinking that you can change a psycho girlfriend into someone good for you. She’s so used to manipulating and gaslighting others that it’s going to be a burden for you to try and change her mind.

The only way to deal with her is to accept the facts and end the relationship for your own sake. Of course, some guys are okay with dating someone psycho. In that case, well, good for you!

[Read: 20 signs of a bad girlfriend and the easiest ways to spot them instantly]

When all is said and done, there are a lot of clues you can observe to know whether you are in a relationship with a psycho girlfriend. Remember they’re masters at manipulating you into getting what they want. Their insanity is so subtle that you never really notice it until you observe things a little more closely.

The post Psycho Girlfriend: 16 Creepy Clues That Confirm Her Insanity is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships

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