Hustle Porn: What It Is and What Makes It So Bad For Your Life? - Relationship Goals

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Hustle Porn: What It Is and What Makes It So Bad For Your Life?

Most people enjoy watching porn, but this isn’t the porn I’m talking about. This type of porn, hustle porn, doesn’t belong in anyone’s life.

I wish I was writing about some sort of sexually expressive material that helps you feel relaxed and connected to yourself, but sadly, that isn’t the case. Maybe you never even have heard of “hustle porn,” and if that’s the case, then I hope you never do.

Listen, we all need to work. Unless you managed to be born into a rich family or marry someone with money, odds are you work. And there’s nothing wrong with that. From celebrities to janitors, everyone works. Even though we’d rather be doing other things, the world functions around money, and everyone needs their piece to survive.

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What is hustle porn really?

There are tons of quotes from successful people saying they worked extremely and made huge sacrifices, which ultimately brought them success. But is that what you need to do?

Sadly, it’s become a social norm to hustle hard to get where you want. And some people do achieve a certain level of success, but working hard doesn’t mean you’re entitled to it. That’s a hard pill to swallow, which is why people choose to ignore that and keep grinding and hustling.

I’ve built the suspense up, but please bear with me just a minute longer. You probably now have a general idea of what hustle porn is, but I’m going to go a step further and tell you some of the things you really need to know about hustle porn. That way, you can make sure not to fall into its trap. Because trust me, it’s an easy trap to fall into.

The basic things you need to know about hustle porn

No, it’s not that type of porn.

#1 There’s nothing sexual about it. I wish there was something sexual about it. It would make things so much easier if hustle porn was about two people who really wanted to please each other, hustlin’ to the end. Imagine if it was about that, this article would have been a breeze to write about. But it’s not that.

#2 The founder of Reddit came up with “hustle porn.” If you’re a fan of Reddit *who isn’t?*, then you know its founder, Alexis Ohanian. As someone who’s in the high-tech industry, and created a platform, he’s well aware of the high-tech environment. He was actually the one who came up with the term “hustle porn” after his own experiences when developing Reddit. [Read: How to make yourself happy? 20 habits of incredibly happy people]

#3 What is “hustle porn?” Okay, before I go any further, it’s time we talked about what hustle porn actually means. Ohanian uses the term to describe the fetishization of people working in the high-tech industry who overwork themselves.

These people are putting in hours and hours of work a day, with hopes of achieving success. This isn’t just for high-level CEOs; we’re also talking about average employees.

#4 Hustle porn is a new concept. Back in the day, we weren’t technologically advanced. Sure, some of us had cellphones, but they’re scanning our fingerprints or connected to apps.

Hustle porn is a relatively new concept, one that’s been developed ever since the high-tech industry boomed. That’s when you started to see people overworking themselves. So, if you haven’t heard of this term before, don’t think you’re falling behind with the times. Hustle porn is a relatively new concept.

#5 Hustling = success. At least in the high-tech industry’s eyes. The idea is that unless you’re grinding and putting in endless hours at work every single day, you’re not working hard enough. Suffering and essentially deteriorating means you’re hustling. And that’s seen as something admirable and encouraged in the workplace.

#6 Work becomes an identity and life purpose. Ideally, you should work to live, not live to work. Do you get the difference? Of course, we all need to work, but your job shouldn’t identify who you are as a person and form your life’s purpose.

But, in the high-tech industry, your job becomes who you are. Why? It’s the only thing you do with your time. There’s no time for you to develop as a person, and do things you enjoy. [Read: How to balance your career, work life and love life]

#7 Hustle porn isn’t healthy for anyone. Even if you think you can do it, you can’t. I’m not trying to challenge you; I’m telling you it’s not healthy for anything. When you’re putting hours into your job, you ignore your mental and physical health.

Most of the time, you don’t realize that until you burn out or have an emotional breakdown. The health risks associated with hustle porn are depression, anxiety, type 2 diabetes, musculoskeletal issues, and cardiovascular diseases.

#8 You can work high-tech and not hustle. You are going to need to invest a certain amount of hours, but that doesn’t mean you need to let yourself get sucked into your job. It’s not an easy thing to do because hustling is the culture of the high-tech industry. But, you can do things to create a more balanced life. I’m going to talk about them now.

#9 Define success for yourself. When you think of the word “success,” money, fancy cars, and expensive clothes probably come into your mind. But in reality, success means different things for everyone. But one thing I think we can all agree on is success doesn’t mean sacrificing your family and friends to work non-stop every day. Figure out what your goals are and see how you can shape your life to achieve those goals in a healthy manner. [Read: How to succeed in life – All you ever need to know]

#10 Make sleep a priority. You need a lot of sleep if you’re working in high-tech. Actually, whether you’re in high-tech or not, you probably need more sleep than you’re getting now. If you’re working hard, you need to rest hard. But you also need to work smarter. If that means shaving an hour or two a day off your working day so you can rest, you’ll be more productive.

#11 Balance your passion. Many people who are in high-tech are passionate about the job they’re doing. And that’s perfectly fine. Ideally, being passionate about your job is a positive thing. But, that doesn’t mean your passion should take over your life and burn you out. This is where you need to find balance and create boundaries so that you keep your passion a passion.

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I hope you never have to use the term “hustle porn” ever. Everyone works, but remember, you weren’t put on this earth to work your job. You were put on this earth to live.

The post Hustle Porn: What It Is and What Makes It So Bad For Your Life? is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships

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