23 Quarantine Approved Activities to Have Fun While Staying Safe - Relationship Goals

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23 Quarantine Approved Activities to Have Fun While Staying Safe

I know we are all stuck on some sort of lockdown, but these quarantine approved activities will bring some fun to the house.

None of us ever thought we would be searching for quarantine approved activities in our lifetimes. It is still something most of us haven’t fully accepted. And hopefully, it will be coming to an end soon.

But, while we are still sheltering in place, we need some safe activities. They will keep us occupied and prevent us from going stir-crazy.

I am sure you have already done the basics like puzzles and binge-watching Netflix. If you need a little more stimulation than that, you came to the right place.

[Read: How to keep your relationship going while self-isolating]

NOT Quarantine approved activities

Quarantine, social distancing, and self-isolating means you keep your distance from everyone that does not live with you. And remember, even if you and your friends are willing to take that risk, it isn’t about you. Even if you feel great, you can still be asymptomatic and still carry the virus and pass it on to others.

Every person you come in contact with will contact others. And they would contact others and that can go on forever. Seeing just one person means seeing everyone they have seen and beyond.

In case you still aren’t sure what some of the things you can’t do, here is a list of some things I have seen on the news.

#1 Outdoor parties. No, you can’t invite people inside your home. And you also can’t invite people to your house for a pool party or BBQ. Even if you are roughly six feet apart at all times, you take a risk. [Read: How to fight loneliness SAFELY while self isolating in a pandemic]

#2 Group shopping. If you need to run to the pharmacy or grocery store for essentials, then do so as few times as possible with no more than two people from a household. Just because you want to get out of the house and are allowed to go to the store doesn’t mean you should make it a family outing.

#3  Don’t visit people. Just because you are related to your mom or your sister doesn’t mean you can go visit them safely. If they need supplies, bring them to their doorstep. Do not go inside or interact without the separation of a door or window. I haven’t seen my boyfriend in over a month. If I can do it, so can you.

#4 Do not travel. Unless you are an essential employee or making a supply run, you should not be out and about. That means going for a leisurely drive, booking a cheap flight to Cancun, or riding the train just to see what’s going on.

#5 Group sports. Yes, you can exercise outdoors. And if you want to play catch with your roommate, go ahead. But don’t get the local boys together for a pickup game of basketball.

There are many more activities on the not quarantine approved activities list. Hopefully, your common sense will remind you of the rest. [Read: How to handle social distancing from your partner and not feel lonely]

Quarantine approved activities

Now what you really came here for… The things you can do while stuck at home or, as I like to say, safe at home.

This list is full of everything from basic things that require minimal effort to extravagant projects. See what grabs your attention and enjoy these quarantine approved activities.

#1 Read a book. I know reading a book is just as obvious as doing a puzzle, but have you actually sat down and picked up a book recently? [Read: 12 must-read books to reinvent your life in your 20s]

#2 Nap. There is nothing wrong with adding a few more zzz’s to your at-home time. It is perfectly safe and feels really great. [Read: 15 books every woman should read in their lifetime]

#3 Binge TV shows. I know you probably wanted something a little more exciting, but watching that show everyone has been recommending to you since 2017 is an accomplishment. [Read: The 15 sexiest movies on Netflix for a good turn on]

#4 Catch up on your movie watch list. The same goes for movies. I have a list of about 20 classic movies that I haven’t seen. If I don’t watch them now, when? [Read: The best inspirational movies for when your motivation lags]

#5 Adopt or foster a pet. I’m sure you’ve heard that animal shelters are clearing out left and right which is great news. I know eventually, you’ll be going back to work so if you can’t adopt a pet for good, foster one while shelters are struggling during this time.

#6 Garden. You can pull weeds, plant seeds, or just water the plants you have that have been needing it. Putting energy into your outdoor space is good for the soul.

#7 Pamper yourself. Do your nails, try the face mask Deb from work gave you for Christmas, or take a hot bubble bath. You deserve to relax. [Read: 17 ways to focus on yourself and build your own sunshine]

#8 Organize. I know this sounds like hell to some people. Organizing can give you a fresh perspective. It can also help you love your space. You’ll be there for a while, so you might as well know where everything is and make it feel as welcoming as possible.

#9 Have a group closet clean out. Get on a video call with your closest friends and clean out your closets. Try on stuff you aren’t sure about and make three piles: keep, donate, and trade. You will get new items from friends and they from you.

#10 Try a new recipe. Even if you aren’t the best cook, now is the time to try that recipe you’ve had saved for years. Or recreate that famous family recipe for the first time. Maybe next Thanksgiving you’ll be able to bring it. [Read: Ideas to make cooking with your partner more fun]

#11 Do a Secret Santa. I know it isn’t the holiday season but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little holiday cheer. Get your friends group together for a gift exchange, but instead of gifts, order each other delivery from a local restaurant.

This way you are having fun with friends while remaining apart and supporting small businesses. Win, win, win. [Read: How to socialize while social distancing without losing your mind]

#12 Try a DIY. Even if you think DIY is not for you, give it a chance. You can do something simple with items you have around the house or something a bit more intense like refurbishing old furniture, like me.

#13 Journal. I don’t think anyone will be reading your quarantine diary in 50 years, but getting your emotions out during such a stressful time is healthy. Writing down what you did during the day, how you’re feeling, or even what you hope for or are worried about, can help clear your mind.

#14 Build something. Build a fort in the living room and relive your youth. Or build a safe bonfire in the backyard. Build something cool out of Legos. Creating something feels good and keeps you busy.

#15 Learn something. Go all out! Learn a new language or a song on the keyboard you stashed away since you gave up on piano lessons in grade school. You can even learn how to properly tie a tie or change a tire. [Read: These self-discovery questions will help you learn yourself better]

#16 Help others. Donate to a worthy cause. You can do that online or take time to sew face masks for frontline workers. Order food for the night shift at your local ICU.

#17 Online date. Sure, maybe you can’t meet up in person, but you can get to know someone pretty well virtually. [Read: How to date while social isolating and still feel really close to each other]

#18 Spread thanks and hope. Create a sign for your front-line workers. Thank postal workers, EMTs, and all the other essential workers. Make a sign that says stay strong.

Help create a local food library for your neighborhood where every one can donate canned goods and paper products for those in need. [Read: The art of staying motivated during quarantine]

#19 Master something. Have you always wanted to learn to juggle? Now is your chance.

#20 Support small businesses. Order from your local deli, restaurants, and boutiques. Purchase takeout or delivery or buy gift cards. This way the business is helped, and give the gift cards as gifts once we can go out again.

#22 Play with chalk. Last time I picked up a piece of chalk  I was in high school and babysitting for a four-year-old. But if I have chalk now I would go out and create a masterpiece on my driveway. Activities that bring out the kid inside and are a creative outlet will help you feel calmer. [Read: These positive personality traits that can change your life together]

#23 Try online therapy. Even if you’re staying in good spirits, now is a rough time. There is no shame in asking for help. There are multiple online therapy websites. Make a virtual session with a licensed therapist to talk about ways to manage your anxiety, depression, or anything else you might be struggling with.

[Read: How to be happy again and draw happiness from within]

There are endless quarantine approved activities to make the most of your time at home. What will you try?

The post 23 Quarantine Approved Activities to Have Fun While Staying Safe is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships https://ift.tt/2WaVlyf

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