This Is How You Deal With Pain And Move On When You’ve Had Your Heart Heartbroken - Relationship Goals

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This Is How You Deal With Pain And Move On When You’ve Had Your Heart Heartbroken

I’m sure you’ve often heard the saying: The course of true love never did run smooth. Well, I’m sorry to break it to you, but the course to true love isn’t smooth, either.

The path is often paved with difficult challenges, disappointments, and heartbreaks. Some people let these negative experiences scar them deeply and prevent them from establishing and maintaining meaningful, satisfying, and long-lasting relationships in the future. Others, on the other hand, are able to heal their wounds and move on.

So, the big question is: What separates them?

What separates them is nothing else but the way they deal with their heartbreak and pain.

Almost everyone, at one time or another, has been truly and deeply in love and has been hurt.  Almost everyone has had their heart broken by someone they loved with every part of their being. Almost everyone goes through a breakup and tastes the pain of losing someone whom they thought they were going to be together with forever.

And when a person is faced with this, they have two chances: a) to let their heartbreak scar them and prevent them from forming healthy, deep, happy relationships in the future, or b) learn from this painful experience, find the strength to heal your wounds and move on.

Any self-respecting, strong, and resilient person would go with the second option.

And what does that mean?

Here are ways you deal with your pain and move on when your partner has broken up with you:

First things first, give up the idea of revenge.

You might think that “revenge is sweet,” but trust me – it’s not. Your redemption doesn’t come with revenge. Thinking that your pain will go away and you’ll hear all your wound by wounding the person who inflicted it is not only wrong but useless as well.

Let’s get one thing straight: no matter how bad convinced you are that getting back at the person who hurt you would make you feel better and make them feel miserable, this will not make your pain disappear and it won’t make the other person repent for what they did to you.

Trying to get back at the person who broke your heart will only prolong your feelings of bitterness and resentment.

If you really want to get over your heartbreak and be ready to move on, you need to learn to forgive and let go.

Every relationship, be it successful or a failed one, teaches you something. It teaches you valuable lessons about yourself – about who you are, how you behave and what you expect in your relationships. But it also teaches you how romantic relationships really function. It teaches you that love doesn’t always conquer all and that sometimes it’ s better to end a relationship than continue being in one that is one-sided, troubled, and draining.

It’s better to end a relationship than continue being with someone who doesn’t reciprocate your love. Someone who takes you for granted. Someone who is never there for you.

Accept responsibility for your actions.

When it comes to breakups, it’s easier to shift the blame onto someone else than accept responsibility for your actions. It’s easier to blame your partner for the breakup than admit your mistakes.

It’s easier and more tempting to only focus on your partner’s flaws and overlook your own.

But this doesn’t make you less guilty if you haven’t taken care of your relationship as you should have.

A healthy and successful relationship is one where both partners are willing to take responsibility for their actions and admit their mistakes.

The post This Is How You Deal With Pain And Move On When You’ve Had Your Heart Heartbroken appeared first on Curious Mind Magazine.

from Love & Relationships – Curious Mind Magazine

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