How to Stop Being a Manchild: 15 Must-Know Steps to Man Up & Grow Up - Relationship Goals

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How to Stop Being a Manchild: 15 Must-Know Steps to Man Up & Grow Up

You like the luxuries of living at home, I don’t blame you. No woman wants to settle down with that, so it’s time to learn how to stop being a manchild.

I always ended up dating a manchild. Did I want to? No. But for some reason, I kept on picking them. And when I mean ‘them’ I actually mean you. Yes, you. If you’re reading this, you know you’re a giant manchild and need to know how to stop being a manchild.

Listen, just because some women end up dating you, it doesn’t mean they actually like it. Usually, we get sucked into the charm and charisma you have. I didn’t say you have nothing to offer. But the thing is, you’re a lot of work.

In fact, dating you is like having a child, the only difference is that we didn’t give birth to you. But honestly, you can’t tell much of a difference. [Read: How to be a man the way he really should be]

How to stop being a manchild

Listen, I know you like being babied, I get it. It’s nice and convenient to have someone taking care of your every need, but it’s not helping you. If anything, your skills are diminishing by the second and soon you’ll be left completely helpless. You really don’t want to become that person.

So, if you landed on this feature, you know you need to change your ways. Which is great! It’s the first step in dropping the ‘child’ from your title.

I’m not going to say you need to ‘man up’ because it’s redundant, but you do need to become a man. If you’re over 18 and called a manchild, this is for you. It’s time to be a man.

#1 Accept what you are. This doesn’t mean you don’t have to change, you still do. But accepting your behavior and actions is the first step in overcoming your manchild ways. If you’re in denial, then you shouldn’t even be reading this, you’re not ready. When you can openly call yourself a manchild, then it’s time for you to take action. [Read: 16 types of guys girls just don’t want to date]

#2 Let go of the nipple. I mean this in the nicest way possible. You’ve been sucking on the tit for far too long. It’s time for you to let it go. If you want to know how to stop being a manchild, gain some independence. Yes, I know relying on your mom or partner is comfortable, but it’s not helping anyone. Take responsibility, pay a phone bill, and start doing things on your own. [Read: Mature ways to begin facing life like the adult you are]

#3 Understand your coping mechanisms. Everyone uses coping mechanisms to deal with their personal issues. If you’re a manchild, you may depend on TV and video games to help cope with your issues. Listen, gluing yourself to the TV or playing an entire weekend of Fornite isn’t going to take you away from the reality of your life.

#4 Take responsibility. I know you don’t want to hear it, but you’ve been playing the victim for far too long. It’s time for you to take ownership of your actions. Instead of blaming everyone else for your problems, and you do since you’re a manchild, it’s time to see how you played a role in your life. Because it’s not everyone else’s fault for how things turned out.

#5 Stop being entitled. When you’re a child, you don’t need to work, you don’t need to pay for bills, and no one expects anything from you. When you’re a kid, everything is given to you. But the thing is you’re not a kid anymore, you’re an adult. People have expectations.

You have bills to pay, and you need to earn the things you want to have. Fix your own problems, work towards your own success. [Read: How to get rid of your bad sense of entitlement]

#6 Leave your comfort zone. When you were a child, it was considered normal if you didn’t want to leave your comfort zone. Who honestly wants to leave their comfort zone? Exactly.

But as we get older, we learn that we have to leave our comfort zone in order to grow as a person. However, you’re still stuck in your comfort zone and you don’t want to leave. Well, then you won’t be able to grow either. [Read: Emotional maturity – 13 clues to know if someone has it]

#7 Enough with the lying. Aren’t you getting tired of lying? Because we’re sure tired of hearing the excuses. You need to lie in order to cope with your problems but it’s not working to your advantage. In the short term, sure, it may ease things, but in reality, all it’s doing is holding you back. Plus, you don’t need to be known as a liar.

#8 Cut dependent relationships. I don’t mean that you need to stop talking to your mom, but you need to create boundaries. If you have a partner that is babying you, change the behavior. Some people crave babying another adult, but if you want to get out of this phase, then you need someone who values independence.

#9 Learn simple skills. I’m not saying you’re useless, but you probably never did the dishes or cleaned the toilet bowl. Now, no one likes doing this but these are things you need to do when you grow up. If you want to know how to stop being a manchild, learn how to do things around the house and actually do them. Clean the bathroom, learn how to do the laundry, start to take pride in taking care of yourself. [Read: 15 things immature men do that hurt them bad]

#10 Keep your word. When you say you’re going to do something, do it. A manchild is someone who is only talk with no action. And when you bail out on a plan, there’s always an excuse. When it gets tough, you decide to give up and come up with a reason why. But that needs to stop. If you say you’re going to do something, do it.

#11 Focus on being empathetic. If you’re a manchild, you’re mostly concerned about your own wellbeing. You may have a partner, but you rarely ask them how their day was or how they’re feeling. Instead, everything is about you and what’s going on in your life. But if you want to be a man, start giving a shit about people other than yourself. [Read: Why empathy is so important in relationships]

#12 Get real. Time to wake up. You may have wanted to be a race car driver when you were a kid but now you’re twenty-five, and that’s not going to happen. I know you don’t want to get a “real job,” but sitting on your couch isn’t being productive. It’s time to get real with reality.

#13 Give more in bed. I know I was never in bed with you but I do know one thing. If I asked your partner if you’re giving, they’ll probably say no. Usually, if you’re a manchild, you’re not overly giving in bed. Instead, you focus on receiving pleasure. But it’s time to give. [Read: 12 signs you’re the selfish one in the relationship]

#14 You’re not going to change overnight. Everyone would like to change overnight. Though you can change your behavior overnight, committing to the change is an entirely different story. You’re going to make mistakes, feel vulnerable, and sometimes, you’ll want to quit and go back to being a manchild. It takes time. [Read: 23 signs you’re a manchild and an immature prick]

#15 Talk to a therapist. This isn’t something that you’re going to overcome with ease. You’re going to go through many struggles and obstacles when it comes to this. But you don’t need to do this alone. Talking to a therapist can help give you the tools and a safe space to talk and work on your manchild issues. Because honestly, these issues aren’t shallow, they go way back.

[Read: How to grow up and face life like an adult]

You now know how to stop being a manchild, so there’s really no excuse anymore. It’s time to get off the couch and grow up!

The post How to Stop Being a Manchild: 15 Must-Know Steps to Man Up & Grow Up is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships

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